
About overfilling Skinnybins roll-off dumpster bin containers


604-261-6198  Mon to Sat 7 am - 7 pm


dumpster for recycling


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Choosing a dumpster that's too small will be an expensive mistake!

Call and let us help you with your decision

If you have 15 yards of debris and you try to save a few dollars by trying to squeeze your debris into a 10-yard dumpster, it likely will result in you paying much more than necessary. You'll probably need a "switch out." That's when we have to deliver an empty roll-off dumpster at your location and haul away your full dumpster.
This ends up costing you exactly double your original 10-yard price. There's no discount for the 2nd dumpster.
Ordering a 20-yard container up front would've been much cheaper.

Don't overfill the dumpster!

Really DO NOT overfill, It Will Cost You Extra

Your debris must be level with or under the top of the container or you're headed for more hassle and cost.

It may be tempting to solve a "my dumpster is too small" problem by piling the debris high above the rim of the dumpster.

Big mistake!

We cannot legally haul your debris on the road with it piled over the top. It's a major road hazard. In most cases, the roll-off driver will leave and you'll be informed that the dumpster can't be picked up until you level it. You'll be charged a "trip charge" typically in that case. Other times, the driver may jump up and level your dumpster himself, by throwing out debris.

You'll probably be charged an "overfilling fee" and you'll have a pile of debris leftover that you still need to get rid of.

It’s easy, simple, and fast
Call to discuss bin size and location

Estimating the volume of your debris is challenging, especially for household junk or construction debris. With our experience when you call, we can provide some help in picking the right size dumpster. Whatever your project, getting the size right is step one in having a good roll-off dumpster bin container rental experience.

  1.  The roll-off dumpster bin container rental is delivered to your location.
  2.  You fill our dumpster bins with your waste, disposal, concrete, drywall, dirt, roofing, trash, garbage or general junk.
  3.  When you are finished loading the dumpster bin, call us and we will pick it up!
  4. Great for renovation debris, construction waste and garbage. A good size bin for tight areas and still able to fit in alleys.

Walk-in In Loading


Makes it easier to load heavy and bulky items than tossing over the top of bin,

Ready to get started? Call Now Instant Quote: 604-261-6198 or EMAIL us today for a free quotation!